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Why We Ride

Updated: May 3

The heart to help adolescents, especially those that may be at-risk, delinquency problems, mental health issues, or trauma has been the passion for New Path Adventures since the beginning. Transitioning from adolescent to young adults is difficult. Parenting a teenager can be difficult. We want to help both the youth and his/her parent(s), because we love them. We love them because God first loved them.

Coming alongside of a teen in crisis, or a family struggling to know how to help their teen in crisis is why we ride our bicycles annually. Sometimes our rides require 10 days as we begin in El Paso Texas and ride 865 miles to the Texas - Louisiana state line. Other years we are pedaling in the beautiful setting of Colorado and enjoying the challenge of high-altitude cycling for 5 days. But whatever the venue the purpose is the same, raise awareness and raise funds to continue to be able to offer the programs of New Path Adventures free to the youth and parents looking for help.

We call our rides RTR3 which represents what we ride for. We ride to REACH the youth where he or she is. No judgment here. We love them and accept them as they are. RESCUE. We cannot rescue anyone from their problems or needs, but we know the One Who can, God. When the youth have a chance to consider a relation with God, not a religion, it is then that the 3rd R can happen - RESTORE. Restoring hope, direction, healthy family relations, good relations with the community, but most importantly walking a new path in a restored relation with God.

The bike ride, RTR3, is our annual fundraiser. These sponsorships are converted into scholarships to be given to youth in crisis. Please consider helping to transform the life of an adolescent and encourage concerned parents who are looking for help. Thank you for reading some of our story and thank you for supporting this quest.

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