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About Us

New Path Now, Inc. is a faith-based organization serving in Texas and internationally. We are passionate about sharing hope and faith with others. We see opportunities rather than obstacles. We provide services for orphan care, remote village ministry and education, church planting, and evangelism. We believe every individual deserves a chance to live a fulfilling life and strive to make that possible through our programs and services. Google does not have all the answers, but God does. Our heart is to encourage and inspire the whole person, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, through service, adventures, and relationship building. We have a biblical foundation, led by intentional leaders within safe and authentic relational environments. We play for an audience of ONE and He is God.

We believe that every young person can find hope and healing, and that they have the potential to make a positive impact on the world.

Our Mission

Our Mission

At New Path Now, Inc., our mission is to provide youth in crisis and their parents with the tools and support they need to overcome challenges and thrive. We do this through our various programs and services which are designed to help the whole person; body, soul, and spirit.


Our Vision

Our vision is to provide safe and healthy relational environments where every young person has access to the encouragement and coaching they need to discover the path of life that God has planned for them. We believe that by providing youth in crisis with the support they need, we can help restore hurting hearts and homes to healthy ones filled with hope.

Psalm 16:11

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