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Strike The Rock and You're Out!

Updated: May 3

It seems harsh and perhaps an extreme measure; after all Moses simply smote the rock twice instead of speak to the rock to call forth the needed water. (Numbers 20:10-11) The first time there was a need for water for the people of Israel, God told Moses to take his rod and smack the rock and water came forth for the people and all the animals. That was Moses' history, his experience.

So it is easy to understand when the need arose again and the circumstances were similar, he knew what was possible; no big deal, God will come through again as He did before. "We are all going to be fine." Okay, but this time God gave clear instruction to speak to the rock, not hit the rock.

Because Moses did not speak to the rock but instead hit it twice with his rod, he was not allowed to go into the promised land. God even says the problem is, "Moses, you did not believe me." (Numbers 20:12) Wow! that was a high price to pay for what would seem a minor infraction and perhaps with good reasoning.

But perhaps that is part of the lesson for our lives, for my life - "don't trust your experience, history, and knowledge more than God's Word." Being led of the Spirit of God and His Word is a daily challenge and quest. The alternative is being led of our ownselves. Yikes!

From this example in the Scriptures it is obvious that we are better off listening and obeying God's voice rather than trusting muscle memory or our experience and rationale.

Psalm 119:105 "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

New Path Now, Inc. has a local church ministry under its umbrella of programs and activities. This is not a typical church plant with big parking lots, vestibules and coffee bars. There is no stage, spot lights and sound booths mixing live instruments and vocals. There is no need for a microphone and speakers as the Word of God is shared in a quiet, safe, authentic and relational environment, much like the early church may have experienced.

If you need to hear God´s voice again among all the noise and confusion of this world; if you are tired of making decisions in life that just do not seem to turn out well, then contact us for a meeting place, and connect with Direction Church. The people in Direction Church and their pastors would count it a privilege to walk with you as you discover God´s wonderful plan and direction for you life.

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